Rules of the III Film Mural Contest
24th Lanzarote International Film Festival.
Coinciding with the 24th Lanzarote International Film Festival and with the motivation to create a synergy that promotes the cinematographic environment of Lanzarote, this event aims to promote the creativity of professional artists, amateurs and students of Lanzarote.
Cinema icons, movie sets, mythical characters and everything related to the 7th art.
Participation is free and will be made up of 2 categories:
Registration will be done online through the following registration link and the works will be sent through the platform of your choice (Wetransfer, drive, mega, etc.) to the email contactodibujoficl@gmail.com. The deadline for the presentation of works will be April 26, 2024.
The drawings, images, montages or graphics that make up the work must be original. The works may be made by 1 or more artists. The same artist may register up to 5 works. They can be done manually or digitally. All works received will become part of the Festival archive
To determine the winner of the contest, the organization will appoint a jury that will be made up of three members linked to the field of culture and cinema.
The Jury, in its task of selecting the winner of this contest, will fundamentally evaluate the following factors: ⦁ Thematic setting ⦁ Originality ⦁ Complexity ⦁ Aesthetics ⦁ Creativity ⦁ Technique
The Jury's decision, which will be final, will be made public on May 22, 2024 on the website www.festivaldecinedelanzarote.com. The organization will inform all participants personally and in writing (to the contact email provided in the registration) of the result of the official selection prior to its public communication. The winner will be notified both by telephone and by email.
From among all the works received during the pre-registration period, a committee designated by the organization will make a prior selection of a minimum of 19 to a maximum of 24 that will be printed and displayed in structures in the most emblematic streets of Arrecife until completion. of the Festival
Due to the dimensions and technical printing requirements of the exhibition structures, the works must be presented in vertical format, and as an essential condition they will be delivered in digital format with the following specifications:
Size: 11167 X 6224 pixels. Minimum resolution: 155 dpi. With 300 pixels of margin if possible. (1830 millimeters high by 1020 millimeters wide, with 50 mm margin).

There will only be one winner per category, although the jury may designate one or more special mentions. The winning mural will receive a prize to be determined
Coordinator: Rocío Aguilar
Email: concursodibujoficl@gmail.com
Tel: +34 679 615 475
The presentation of the work within the established deadlines implies acceptance of these bases.
Any doubt that may arise from the interpretation of these rules will be resolved by the Festival Organization.
The organization undertakes and obliges that the personal data belonging to the participants' data file will be treated in accordance with article 12 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD). ).
The organization reserves the right to modify the dates of the Festival, to cancel or partially or totally suspend the exhibition of the selected works and the activities that take place during it due to force majeure.
The organization reserves the right to change some of the issues present in these bases, due to force majeure, due to the current health situation.